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I have copied the entire ATCS_Mon Directory (Folder) - 81 Mb of space for all of my selections - onto a Jump Drive and just run it off of that. If I change any settings or add territory, I don't have to copy it numerous times since it is all on the Jump Drive already. I do however keep the original copy updated on my home Desk Top in case anything happens to the Jump Drive and of course I run it at home right from that copy. Doing this way allows me to show it to friends right on their computers; I can use it at computers that do not permit users to add programs (like at school and work); anywhere I get the opportunity.

On the same jump drive, I carry MSCOMM32.OCX, MSWINSCK.OCX, and COMDLG32.OCX. This RARELY occurs but, for some reason, some of the computers I have come across are missing those three files that are needed to run ATCS_Mon.exe. Whenever I run into that problem, I just add those 3 files into the \Windows\System32\ directory and all is well. Also, I have a small batch file that properly registers those files, but that isn't necessary for one time uses; like if you are just demonstrating the program for someone that is interested but not sure they want it.

(Earl refers to regsvr32 to register DLL and OCX files. See Microsoft support for syntax.)

Earl (EDK)

-- Main.GaryHahn - 01 Nov 2006 - Credit Earl (EDK)