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Understanding the Dispatcher Display

New users may also find this PDF assembled by Brian Swan useful for learning File:ATCS HowToReadTheDisplay.pdf Keep in mind that essentially the only things that can be displayed are those which have an identifiable state, such as turnout position, block occupancy and lined signals.  Specific signal indications and train symbols are not part of the RCL protocols and do not appear on ATCSMon displays.

Not described in the PDF is the new (in version 3.7.5) feature that displays a blinking (or flashing) signal at a control point, which occurs when a signal command (nGZ) is sent to the CP. The following description of how the feature functions is taken from the ReleaseNotesArchive:

When enabled in the Configure -> Options -> Display dialog, a signal cleared by a control will now blink until:
- a subsequent control takes it down 
- a clear or out-of-sequence ATCS or ARES indication arrives 
- any Genisys or SCS-128 indication arrives 
- an inactivity timeout occurs 
This functionality requires the PC's display color depth be set to at least 24-bits (typically called "True Color"),
therefore, a warning message will be issued when the dispatcher display is started if the current value is less.

Additional symbols that may appear from time to time:

  • Snowflake -- snow melter/switch heater
  • Lightning bolt -- Power out
  • Tools -- Maintainer call
  • Left and right arrowheads -- Dispatcher request for proceed signal
  • Hour glass -- Time Element or Plant Lock to run time on plant

-- Main.GaryHahn - 04 Nov 2008